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Jimby with Macmillan Cancer Support in London and York


Drowsy on a Central Train

October 2006 and some photo's as I took Drowsy along while Mick had a meeting at Macmillan. He enjoyed the Central Trains ride to Peterborough before catching the GNER to London Kings Cross Station.

Drowsy and Big Ben

With time to spare I showed him the sites. I think he thought he was King Kong when he saw Big Ben at the Houses of Parliament.

Jimby and Drowsy across from the Houses of Parliament

He had to have a photo with the Houses of Parliament across the river as I had one with Penny on it from another visit

Jimby and Drowsy in Covent Garden

Then a quick walk to Covent Garden where to our dismay the Build a Bear Workshop opened too late for us at 10.000am

Jimby and Drowsy meet ladies from Macmillan meeting

We met these two young ladies outside the offices and were glad for a rest. They really enjoyed meeting us.

Jimby and Drowsy on Central Trains Journey back home

Finally we played around on the train going home

Jimby at The Holiday Inn

May 2006 and here I am in London again. I really should get a flat to save the travel. This time I stayed at the Holiday Inn Kensington Forum and then a meeting at The Royal Overseas League near St. James's Palace. Well it was Mick at the meeting really but I did get to speak.

Jimby cleaning teeth

As I was giving a talk I made sure my teeth were very clean but didn't need a flannel over my legs. Still Mick has some funny ideas at times.

Jimby outside The Royal Albert Hall

We passed The Royal Albert Hall which was very large and whilst having my photograph taken a couple were smiling at me.

Jimby with Korean Visitor

There is a large monumnet opposite the Royal Albert Hall and the couple smiling at me were very interested in my being there. Of course I mentioned I designed and ran my own website and then found out that the visitors from Korea also ran one. His name is Gabi and the website is www.londongabi.com

Jimby's Fridge Magnet

It was my lucky day as I was given a little present by his wife. I think it is a Korean God and need Ann to put a metal plate on me as it is a fridge magnet.

Jimby at Royal Overseas league

The final part of the day was at The Royal Overseas League near St. James's Palace. A very impressive building and I managed to give my usual speech. It was all about the Macmillan/DH Genetic Cancer Projects as Mick is on the national user group.

Jimby at Guy's Hospital in London

May 5th 2005 and I bonus as Mick was invited to an event at Guys Hospital in London. I didn't realise realise that there are hospitals with 29 floors in England. It was pretty scarry at first looking over London but Mick's visit to Guys Hospital gave me the chance to see some more of the folk he meets. Even read them my e mail about my lost relative. Not sure how it went down but would like to find him eventually.

Jimby at The London Eye

April 7th 2005 On the way to a Macmillan meeting I looked at a flight on The London Eye. Mick was scared to go on it although he reckons he had several helicopter rides in the R.A.F. and was not afraid of heights. Believe that when I see it!!!


Jimby with Penny at Big Ben

Jimby the monkey oposite Big Ben

This was the first time I have really embarrassed Mick. I wanted my photo with Big Ben behind me. It was nice and sunny and the back of a seat provided a place for me to sit. Also no-one was about.

However as he took the photo a gust of wind blew me off the seat. So the second time he spent several minutes trying to get me to settle when a voice asked what he was doing. You should have seen his face, then he realised it was Penny, a lady from the Genetic Meeting we were going to!

So I persuaded her to hold me and that was that but Mick also wanted his photo taken so you get two for the price of one.

At the meeting I managed to make myself known and someone suggested me being a mascot what ever that is.

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