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Jimby visits The London Transport Museum

When I paid one of my many visits to The Build a Bear Shop in Covent Garden I noticed an area all boarded up. As an inquisitive Jimby I found out is was the London Transport Museum or rather was as it was being renovated. I kept an eye on it and in January 2009 noticed it had opened. So what better than gently leading Mick and Ann in that direction. Once inside I was free and managed to evade any efforts to show me the exit.

Before going to the Museum I spent a night in a Posh Hotel. Looks like No. 10 Downing street the Prime Ministers House but is a room at The Jolly St Ermin Hotel near to St James's Park.

Before going to the Museum I spent a night in a Posh Hotel. Looks like No. 10 Downing street the Prime Ministers House but is a room at The Jolly St Ermin Hotel near to St James's Park.

Lucky I wasn't around in those days    A sign banning humans but not monkeys

Lucky I wasn't around in those days                A sign banning humans but not monkeys

These horses looked well cared for and happy  These horses looked well cared for and happy

These horses looked well cared for and happy

I even got to hold the reins on a horse drawn tram and then have a ride  I even got to hold the reins on a horse drawn tram and then have a ride

I even got to hold the reins on a horse drawn tram and then have a ride

An old Underground Train

An old Underground Train

Then it was inside a newer Underground Train

Then it was inside a newer Underground Train.

This is getting more like the real ones I now travel on

This is getting more like the real ones I now travel on.

Then back in time again with a steam one

Then back in time again with a steam one

Lucky there was no one about as I sat on this train

Lucky there was no one about as I sat on this train

This was fun as long as it didn't drive off

This was fun as long as it didn't drive off

They didn't charge me for this taxi ride

They didn't charge me for this taxi ride

Another old bus and a driver who liked me

Another old bus and a driver who liked me

Traffic lights and not a road in site

Traffic lights and not a road in site

Just had to sit down

Just had to sit down

A final ride in a bus

A final ride in a bus

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